One morning, the respected author, Felix Prood, woke to find he’d changed into one of his characters. He’d invested two years of his life on his
One morning, the respected author, Felix Prood, woke to find he’d changed into one of his characters. He’d invested two years of his life on his
Just before her suicide, Quiongmei whispers her last words to a child, who promises not to tell.
Dating has always been a fraught process, but now all you need is a computer to conjure up the perfect woman.
Art dealer Anne Marie is obliged to visit a rural art exhibition where everything on display is utter trash. Then she spots a beautifully executed line drawing of a girl, and she has to have it.
You go to the trouble of making a world, but does anyone thank you for it?
The President of the US of A finds a magic lamp with a genie inside it. Like all genies, it will do whatever he wants.
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