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Thomas Stewart

Thomas Stewart has an MA in Writing from Warwick and a BA in English from South Wales. He has had his prose, poetry and personal essays published in The Cadaverine, The Metric, Agenda Broadsheet, Ink, Sweat and Tears, The Stockholm Review of Literature, among others. His poetry pamphlet ‘Creation’ is forthcoming by Red Squirrel Press. He is currently seeking a literary agent for his novel. As well as fiction, he is a freelance writer and the Assistant Editor of Men's Fashion Magazine. He enjoys folk music, horror films, vintage watches, patterned jumpers, odd knick-knacks and suburban fiction. He can be found on Twitter at @thomasstewart08.
Thomas Stewart

Thomas Stewart

Thomas Stewart has an MA in Writing from Warwick and a BA in English from South Wales. He has had his prose, poetry and personal essays published in The Cadaverine, The Metric, Agenda Broadsheet, Ink, Sweat and Tears, The Stockholm Review of Literature, among others. His poetry pamphlet ‘Creation’ is forthcoming by Red Squirrel Press. He is currently seeking a literary agent for his novel. As well as fiction, he is a freelance writer and the Assistant Editor of Men's Fashion Magazine. He enjoys folk music, horror films, vintage watches, patterned jumpers, odd knick-knacks and suburban fiction. He can be found on Twitter at @thomasstewart08.
Thomas Stewart


Miriam is determined to kill herself, and her husband Herbert is equally determined to stop her.

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