It was raining again. After weeks of persistent downpours, clouds continued to hang low over the town, blotting out the surrounding hills in clammy swirls
It was raining again. After weeks of persistent downpours, clouds continued to hang low over the town, blotting out the surrounding hills in clammy swirls
Sian's mother simply won't submit to euthanasia. Frankly, it's getting embarrassing.
Two sisters are determined to survive in a bleak post-apocalyptic America, doing anything to avoid The Diseased.
Bantam is attacked by a cassowary and the patient in the next hospital bed spontaneously combusts after telling him about 'The Threads'.
5,000 years post the apocalypse, two robots stroll the empty earth and find some remains which could prove useful.
Marvin volunteers to be a target for the gun lobby. Survival means a cool 50 big ones. The alternative is obvious, but he's got nothing to lose.
The last natural bee is on its last legs, but it's fine, coz there's a new range of robo bees. Real cool little dudes.
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