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Penny Macleod

Penny Macleod has had a chequered career. She has worked in a bank (disaster), as a presenter on Saudi Arabian TV and radio (comical) and brought up a family (challenging and rewarding). In addition to short stories, she has written a radio play and a feature film script. She is currently working on a play about a family’s experience of addiction (challenging, rewarding, ironically comical, and hopeful). Penny has set up a website to help families who face addiction. You can find ‘Letting the Light In’ at
Penny Macleod

Penny Macleod

Penny Macleod has had a chequered career. She has worked in a bank (disaster), as a presenter on Saudi Arabian TV and radio (comical) and brought up a family (challenging and rewarding). In addition to short stories, she has written a radio play and a feature film script. She is currently working on a play about a family’s experience of addiction (challenging, rewarding, ironically comical, and hopeful). Penny has set up a website to help families who face addiction. You can find ‘Letting the Light In’ at

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