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Graham Hubbard

Graham Hubbard’s background is as a student of philosophy and literature. He has worked as a college lecturer and as an art dealer. He has been writing for a number of years and has had stories accepted by 'The Interpreter's House' and 'Scribble' magazines. He enjoys playing tennis and going to art fairs, antique fairs and auctions.
Graham Hubbard

Graham Hubbard

Graham Hubbard’s background is as a student of philosophy and literature. He has worked as a college lecturer and as an art dealer. He has been writing for a number of years and has had stories accepted by 'The Interpreter's House' and 'Scribble' magazines. He enjoys playing tennis and going to art fairs, antique fairs and auctions.
Graham Hubbard


Katie sees a nurse about her condition, which is neither acute nor serious, and is nothing to worry about.

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