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Giles Selig

Giles Selig (a pseudonym) writes anonymously in Rhinebeck, NY. His short fiction and poetry have been published in various print and on-line outlets, including Chronogram, Pilcrow & Dagger, Medium, Made-Up Words, Foliate Oak, Light and Dark, Broke Bohemian, Laughing Earth Lit, Henry, Edna -- and now Fiction Junkies. He used to be an advertising/communications guy.
Giles Selig

Giles Selig

Giles Selig (a pseudonym) writes anonymously in Rhinebeck, NY. His short fiction and poetry have been published in various print and on-line outlets, including Chronogram, Pilcrow & Dagger, Medium, Made-Up Words, Foliate Oak, Light and Dark, Broke Bohemian, Laughing Earth Lit, Henry, Edna -- and now Fiction Junkies. He used to be an advertising/communications guy.
Black Humour
Giles Selig


Her earliest childhood memory, she said, was that of being awakened by her father in the dark of night, his voice all gravelly and redolent

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